2024 Gold Star Soccer High School Clinic
The high school clinic series is open to all boys & girls from Western MA. & Northern CT. high schools.
The clinic will include technical & tactical sessions, speed & agility sessions, small sided games and goal setting for the Fall season.
Sessions will be run by
Jaytoe Teh & Richard Amoako
along with other Gold Star Soccer staff members
Clinic #1
4 week session
Tuesday & Thursday 6:30pm - 8:30pm
7/16 - 8/8
$175 per player
Clinic #2
Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 9:00am
8/12 - 8/15
$175 per player
Clinic #3
Monday - Thursday 6:30pm - 8:30pm
8/12 - 8/15
$175 per player
Clinic #4
Combo Clinic
4 week session & Monday - Thursday
$325 per player
Weekday Educational Soccer Lessons For 2 - 3 Year Olds

Gold Star Zoo: Ages 2 -3 is a child development program taught with the assistance of a parent/guardian. A parent/guardian will participate with instruction, activities & games with their children and coach.
This class will utilize soccer as a means to encourage motor skills development and cognitive ability. We will create a positive bonding experience between parents and their young children. These fun classes will have your child learning colors, numbers, shapes, letters, animals, countries, continents along with many more fun activities to develop the joy of education and beginning soccer skills.
Each player will experience a raised self-esteem and most importantly, experience the fun and enjoyment of the game. Our nurturing approach creates the best environment for young soccer players to grow.
Monday: Higher Expectations, Springfield
Tuesday: Southwick Rec. fields
Starts: TBA
8 Week session
Thursday: Westfield Boys & Girls Club
Friday: Agawam Polish American Club
It is not good enough for a young player to be skillful; they need to be skillful with a purpose
Provide your child the confidence with the soccer ball that will last a lifetime!
The Gold Star Soccer Mission is to raise the bar of youth development around the world by providing players the skills and parents the resources necessary to teach their child how to become comfortable and confident with the soccer ball while building interpersonal skills and emphasizing character development for players ages 2 - 17.

Graham is only 7, this is his first full day soccer camp. When he gets in the car he was always excited about his day. I look forward to having him train with Gold Star in the future. We want him to enjoy his soccer and play, no pressure, just play! I feel that philosophy is promoted at Gold Star Soccer.
-parents of Graham- age 7
She comes home every day talking about her favorite "animal skill" she learned. We sat and talked about day 1 and what she hopes to accomplish and how to get there. She seemed happy to be able to achieve her goals. The process works! I've seen it first hand with my son's huge improvement with his confidence since starting with Gold Star Soccer.
-parents of Addison & Liam- ages 6 & 9
Membership Includes
He has found a drive to complete his goals such as carrying the ball. He lights up when he shows me the "zoo" animals like Lizard and Tasmanian devil. The SMART goals provide a guide but also a challenge to improve and prove to himself that he can do it.
-parents of Owen - age 8
Stella is a confident child to begin with, but we have definitely seen her confidence build throughout the program. Specifically she has gained confidence with the "Animal Skills". She is practicing them and wants to show-off what she has learned. Setting realistic and achievable goals has helped her focus on skill improvement and to track and measure her progress.
-parents of Stella- age 6
She has broken out of her shell and is more confident in her skills. She kept practicing until she reached her goal. Once she did, she was so impressed with her self.
-parents of Payton- age 7.
Chase knows where his weaknesses were but to write it out and see it was important as he can go back to it. Max liked setting a SMART goal that was attainable and being able to reach it.
-parents of Chase & Max- ages 10 & 7
After 4 days, he says he feels more confident with his ability and that he can now do the "animal skills" he learned. Setting goals enabled him to find success small and large to keep him motivated.
-parents of Cooper- age 9